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Re: Another Step One question - EOM

Message 01757 of 3835

--- Rawn Clark <rawnclark@...> wrote:
> Dear David,
> >> What do I do if I am trying to practice emptiness
> of mind and
> hypnagogic (pre-sleep) imagery keeps coming up? 
> They aren't entirely
> consciously controlled, more like random images that
> pop into my
> head, and my mind is fuzzied from fatigue or
> something so I have a
> harder time focusing. Should I just refrain from
> EOM practice if I
> am somewhat sleepy, or is this a common phenomenon
> which represents
> the next layer of "thoughts" to be eliminated? <<

A few months ago I was practicing observation alot.
(maybe too much) And it enabled me to remain
conscious of the sleep images instead of actually
falling asleep. I noticed there were varying degrees
of sleep and awakeness. Between consciousness and
unconsciousness, this was "the fullest intensity" of
sleep and waking at the same time. I had full control
of thoses images but I was not rationally awake. So I
was willfully combining those image-ideas with each
other through negation and synthesis. It was like
thinking "dark, no light; suffering, no learning to
become happy; I'm lazy, no I don't identify with
that." Eventually I reached a point where all the
ideas and images formed a single point, and they were
all connected together. This produced a huge amount
of energy that ran through the body like a bolt of
lightning and gathered at the crown. The state of
mind was not rational and felt like insanity. The
main thing that produced this was negative-negative
thinking with observation throughout the day, which
transfered to the semi sleep state. How would you
explain the synthesis of those sleep-images in
magickal terms? Is the final state the EOM? I don't
think it was because the mind wasn't really empty, it
was full and there were no more opposites. Also, in
EOM are you not aware of yourself as an ego? 


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