I have increased the time I spend in meditation during those last two weeks quite strongly, still using the "one pointedness/thought control" approach when seeking answers. I did get quite surprising and to-the-point answers indeed, that arose almost before I finished formulating my questions. Now, I feel quite ridiculous making the request below, but I'm still at the very beginning of this way of using "internal expertise" :-), and I don't have lots of points of reference. So I be thankful if somebody could give me a validation of at least some of the answers I got, because they are quite specific in nature and imply elements of theory I don't have yet. Some of them sound also quite cryptic, like the following one (needless to say that the *words* below are not the ones originally used, and only reflect *meaning*) : - ...My original question is irrelevant here. - Answer : "You have to choose your own Sun now". For a few days, I got stuck on this answer, not knowing what to do of it. I recalled "Souvenirs de Franz Bardon" in French, in which Dr K was told "to choose his own god". But it didn't fit. So I meditated further 3-4 days later: - "What is to be understood by <my own Sun>" ? - "It is your Tipharet". - "If it is my Tipharet anyway, why is it that I still have to choose a Sun ?" - "You have to choose Tipharet as a Sun, because it is your own". I found a reference in ABC linking Tipharet as a sun, but I'm not sure it's conclusive, although I remember the general role of Tipharet at the mental level. So my question is : does this make sense, and can I go ahead and trust this type of answers? I obviously will meditate further on this topic (and on all subsequent ones), but I'm reluctant to do so without having at least an initial hint on the validity of those internal feedbacks. Many thanks. NB