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Re: Feminine / Masculine Balance

Message 02636 of 3835


Thank's you for your interesting post. 

> Here's another point. Let's look at a counterfactual.
> If Bardon had written IIH from a more
> evocative/Masculine perspective, what would step 1
> have looked like? Well, for starters he would have
> needed to provide guidance on banishing rituals and
> would have started with the tried and tested Lesser
> Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (or some derivation
> thereof to make his book more commercially viable).
> What the LBRP does (in my view) is to artifically
> create an elementally-balanced environment in which
> the magician can work. However, this balance could be
> very easily disrupted by an entity with enough power
> and the will to do so. 

I don't see Evocation as being more masculine that the type of work 
Bardon is presenting
Despite I found Bardon training quite balanced, it is clearly a 
magic path, active & structured - this is to my mind a "masculine" 
caracters if putting a gender to it. 
And I believe Magic path as the Golden Dawn or the Aurum Soli are 
more feminine, passive in a way. This is so because the Energy evoked 
and Power felt are far greater than what the beginner is able to 
produce by himself even when simply doing LBRP. 
- Whatever some may thing, this has nothing to do that "simply 
basnishing the negative from Inside Out", Yes, this is that with a 
resonance of Life Symbols, this is that but 30 times more and 
increasing each time. This is felt first, and then the resonance and 
the symbolist can be taught & understood. 
In some other magic tradition, i.e. Aurum Soli, even less focus is 
given to the intellectual understanding of rituals (solely based on 
the Quabalah Life Tree in the Golden Dawn in some others at least at 
the start). 
You are living and integrating the Energy, establisinhg the contact 
with the Energy & emmanation of the planet of the solar System, and 
probably above after. 
It is much more direct rather than to think a complex understanding 
through the Quabalah Life Tree which, indeed, belongs indeed to an 
other tradition. 
This contact with Energy is whant is changing your personality and 
building & restructuring YOU. It is a much more "feminine" path than 

> Instead, Bardon teaches that true elemental
> equilibrium can only be achieved from the inside out.
> This however takes dedication and time. But the
> results are that, by step 8-9, the aspirant is
> sufficiently balanced to begin evocative work with
> confidence that the elemental balance within him/her
> cannot be so easily disrupted as that created through
> ritual.

True Elemental equilibrum to me can also be achieved from the magic 
path though rituals. Rituals are bringing or activating Energies 
which are helping you to do that & restructure your Psyche. In this 
path, you can also make an Astral Chart of Defaults and virtues and 
related it not only to the Element but also to the Planets depending 
on the Sphere each manifests. 

Best Wishes, 

Pierre Mikael

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