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Re: Re: [Planar Problems &c]

Message 03457 of 3835

Dear Marc,

I'm glad my replies were helpful. :) As I've said a few million times,
95% of problems with these exercises are conceptual. Once an exercise
is understood properly, it is relatively simple, if not easy.

>> Problems with eye strain (thinking of the idea being impressed on the
air resulting in my eyes wanting to see through the lids - still a bit
of a problem) seem to have abated slightly, and I think I'm touching on
the 'right attitude' - momentary glimpses of the exercise feeling
'right'. We'll see; as expected, I can't rationalise how to do it right,
I have to explore practically. <<

Many folks spend an inordinate amount of their energy trying to force
their ideation into the substance. This habit does nothing more than
waste energy and result in a build up of physical and mental tension.
And, it produces a less effective result because the majority of
will/energy has been spent upon the wrong thing.

The Akasha is *naturally* absorbent of ideas and thoughts. Therefore,
it takes very little actual energy to get it to accept your ideation.
Where the energy should be expended is upon your formulation of the
ideation -- the intensity with which you understand your ideation and
with which you believe in the undeniability of your ideation's power to
transform. In other words, the energy should be focused upon the
quality of the ideation, not upon forcing it into the substance.

Once your ideation is well developed and very strong, simply direct it
at the substance and consciously *allow/instruct* the Akasha to absorb
it. The stronger the ideation, the more readily the Akasha absorbs it.
If the ideation is weak, then the Akasha has very little to absorb. But
here, it is the *Akasha* that does the "work", not the force of will
with which you try to cram it into the Akasha. :)

EM should be a relaxed and easy act that does not cause a build up of
physical or mental tension. No scrunching of the eyes, straining of the
neck and shoulders, etc.; and, in the case of the magic of air, no
alteration of your natural breathing rhythm. Simply focus your mind
upon your ideation, build *its* strength and then release it to the
Akasha within the substance. And then, of course, mentally follow its
path as it is *naturally* digested by, and courses through, your bodies.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
11 Jan 2005


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