Dear Lori, Thank you for your wonderful statement providing an example of the character transformation in *action* as opposed to just theory! :) I think one of THE most significant moments in this work is when one really "gets it" about the Soul Mirror work. >> The only thing that works for me is to develop a habit of catching myself slipping. << That is certainly the most immediately powerful and effective of all the tools listed in Step Two. It brings you into the only "place" of power in which transformation can occur -- the *present* moment. This is why the second mental exercise of Step One (the part where we focus our attention upon the present moment and exclude unrelated thoughts) is so important. It prepares us for being present with ourselves during the Step Two character transformation work and enables this ability you describe of "catching yourself slipping" *the moment that it occurs*. At first, we might notice right after we have "slipped" or while we are "slipping", but with practice we move that point of noticing back further and further in the sequence of events that lead to the "slip". And with *each* experience of "catching" ourselves, we *learn* and become stronger. The meditations, auto-suggestions, etc., are all preparing you for that moment and setting the stage for what you might *choose* to do in *that* moment of choice and power. Through meditation (and through your ruminations when you do "catch" yourself), you come to understand the negative trait and hopefully come to understand what positive alternative would serve *you* better. With the auto-suggestion you are strengthening your resolve when the moment of choice arises by subtly replacing one set of sub-conscious programming with a new one. This is what makes that moment of "slipping" *noticeable* to your awareness (i.e., because it now stands out in contrast to the new sub-conscious programming and to your intellectual understanding). Thus prepared, when that moment of catching yourself does occur, you *already* know what choices are open to you and you *already* have the strength to make the choice that serves you best. My best to you, :) Rawn Clark 23 Jan 2005 rawnclark@... rawn@...